Posts Taggedacademia

How to be a Productive PhD Student?

Embarking on a journey as a Ph.D. student is both exhilarating and challenging. While the pursuit of a doctoral degree brings the opportunity for intellectual growth, it also demands the highest level of dedication and productivity. Therefore, being a Ph.D. student is tough as it comes with a lot of challenges to undertake within a constrained period. A Ph.D. student has to spend several long…

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How to Identify Predatory Conferences?

Predatory conferences, now-a-days, have become a common threat that prey on unwary researchers and especially researchers and student researchers from developing countries. At a first glance, these predatory conferences seem to be legitimate science based events. But these conferences are only organized by revenue generating companies who exploit presenters and attendees only to maximize their profits. The organizers only care for money, and posses zero…

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Tips to Succeed as a Grad Student !

It is easy to survive, but difficult to grow in grad school. When I started my graduate career as a grad student, for a long time I was very clueless about different aspects of my grad life. For example, I had hard times to select the right courses at the beginning. I found it challenging to identify which field I would like to carry my…

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Where to Publish Research Paper?

Publishing an article in academic journal or even in conference can be a daunting process, if you are doing it for the first time. Moreover, it demands substantial commitment of time and hard work to develop your hypothesis and support your thesis statement with a solid analytical model and substantiate it by the experimental results. Though it is quite acceptable that, a graduate student will…

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How to Write the Methods Section of a Research Paper?

The method section a research paper is the one of the most essential part that outlines the methodology and materials used in the research process. This section is also known as Materials and Methods (M&M) section. A well written M&M section should provide readers enough information for replicating the study and understand the accuracy and reliability of the results. Therefore, it is important to provide…

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How to Write a Research Proposal for Research Based PhD Program?

Research proposal (RP) is a key element of the application for a research based higher degree programs in number of universities around the world. Failure to write a good RP may lead to one to be unsuccessful in getting into a higher degree research program. So, what is a Research Proposal? A research proposal is an outline of your future research project that: A RP…

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How to Write a Notable Title for Your Scientific Article !

While writing an academic paper researchers often spend most of their time on the “meat” of the article i.e. materials and methods, results and discussions. However, very little well thought effort goes into the title, abstract and keywords. Surprisingly, these three elements – title, abstract and keywords are the vital elements that pave the way to publication success. The keywords, title and abstract works like…

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